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Kacip Fatimah Tea

Kacip Fatimah Tea Sachets

  • 120 Kacip Fatimah tea sachets per pack
  • 100% pure Kacip Fatimah with no added ingredients
  • 100% natural ingredients. No preservatives, no coloring, no additives
  • 100% organic from the rainforests
  • 100% original Malaysia



Kacip Fatimah 卡棋法蒂玛

Benefits for women: Youthfulness, rejuvenation of soft firm skin, stimulating fat loss, regulating hormones that affect irregular periods, pre/post menopause, mood swings and libido, nourishing the reproductive system, fertility and womb restoration before and after giving birth





Phytoestrogen, a natural plant estrogen that is found in Kacip Fatimah is used to keep women youthful. It helps in skin firming by maintaining its suppleness with its estrogen component. This plant helps a wide spectrum of women's health related issues by balancing the female hormones. When taken on a regular basis, it helps establish a regular menstrual cycle while preventing cramps, water retention and irritability during painful periods. It is encouraged to take after menopause as well to replace the loss of estrogen in the body to maintain youthfulness. It also helps with regulating mood swings and boosting women's libido. Traditionally, it is taken before childbirth for its beneficial effects on fertility to encourage pregnancy. In addition, the constituents of this plant have been reported to possess anticancer, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties


在卡棋法蒂发现的植物雌激素传统上用于其雌激素益,以帮助女性保持年和美。它有助于致肌肤,并保持其与雌激素的柔性。种植物通平衡雌性激素来防很多女性的健康相关问题。定期服用,有助于建立正常的月周期,同在疼痛期防止,水潴留和躁。鼓励在更年期后服用以取代体内雌激素的失以保持年。它有助于调节和提高女性的性欲。传统上,它会在分娩前服用,因生育有好,可以鼓励怀孕。 此外,据植物具有抗癌,抗氧化和抗炎作用



** Do not take during period or pregnancy

** 在怀孕期间或经期间不要饮用



Infuse in freshly boiled hot water for 5 minutes. For extra flavor, can mix with coffee or honey. Consume after meals. Same sachet can be reused 2 - 3x a day. Store in cool, dry place


倒入煮沸的水中浸泡 5 可与咖啡或蜂蜜混合以增加味。 用。 同一茶包每天可重复使用 2 3 次。 存放于阴凉干燥

Kacip Fatimah Tea Sachets (120 Sachets)

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