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Ginseng Tongkat Ali Tea

Ginseng Tongkat Ali Tea Sachets

  • 1 Ginseng Tongkat Ali tea pack
  • 40 Ginseng Tongkat Ali tea sachets per pack
  • 100% pure Tongkat Ali with no added ingredients
  • 100% natural ingredients. No preservatives, no coloring, no additives
  • 100% organic from the rainforests
  • 100% original Malaysia



Ginseng Tongkat Ali 人参东革阿里

Benefits for men: Extra libido & stamina booster

Health benefits: Increase libido strength, higher stamina levels, smoother blood circulation and general health maintenance for men and women






Ginseng Tongkat Ali is the most aromatic among the Tongkat Ali species, emitting a strong ginseng smell and soothing ginseng flavor. Whether young or old, the root remains the same size all stages of it growth. One of the more rarer species in the jungles, the indigenous use this root to increase libido strength and maintenance of their general well being for men and women alike






Infuse in freshly boiled hot water for 5 minutes. For extra flavor, can mix with coffee or honey. Consume after meals. Same sachet can be reused 2 - 3x a day. Store in cool, dry place


倒入刚煮沸的热水中浸泡 5 分钟。 可与咖啡或蜂蜜混合以增加风味。 饭后饮用。 同一茶包每天可重复使用 2 至 3 次。 存放于阴凉干燥处

Ginseng Tongkat Ali Tea (40 Sachets)

PriceFrom RM88.00
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